Privacy protections are gaining ground, while still not near the E.U. in terms of citizen protection, government and industry alike are trying to help consumers make smarter choices about how they are being tracked online.

We encourage all users to take certain precautions to secure and protect their online internet usage.

First, use a modern web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Second, install ad blocking software either in your browser as an addon, using a 3rd party program, or even DNS privacy filters like Dyn Internet Guide.

Third, you can opt out of certain sites by following the guide below.


  • These opt outs apply to Online Behavioral Advertising by NAI member companies. You will still receive other types of online advertising from participating companies, and the Web sites you visit may still collect information for other purposes.
  • The opt-out choices you select are stored in opt-out cookies only in this browser. You should separately set your preferences for other browsers or computers you may use. Deleting browser cookies can remove your opt out preferences, so you should visit this page periodically to review your preferences, or update to include new participating companies.
  • Opting out using the NAI Opt-out Tool should not affect other services provided by NAI members that rely on cookies, such as email or photo-hosting. Click here for more information.
  • The NAI has adopted a policy that all NAI member companies set an opt-out cookie with a minimum lifespan of five years. Click here for more information.

If you would like to learn more about how to reduce ads and secure your online activity, give us a call or stop in to learn more, we offer several low cost solutions to help you stay safe with minimal effort.

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