Let’s face it. We are all extremely busy all the time; or so it seems.

So we LOVE shortcuts. Anything that can maximize efficiency and multi-tasking gets my vote.

Here’s a review some of the most commonly used Windows keyboard shortcuts. This can increase productivity and offer a smoother workflow in day to day computing.

Note: ‘Win’ refers to the Windows Logo Key pictured below


Ctrl + XCut selected item
Ctrl + CCopy selected item
Ctrl + VPaste selected item
Ctrl + ZUndo an action
Ctrl + ASelect all text or files
Win + ArrowSnap windows
Win + DShow or hide the desktop
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps
Win + LLock your PC
Ctrl + RRefresh active window
Win + Shift + STake a screenshot
Win + IOpen settings
Win + Shift + ArrowMove active window
Ctrl + N (Within Edge)New browser window
Ctrl + T (Within Edge)New browser tab
Ctrl + Shift + N (Within Edge)New InPrivate Mode browser window

Looking for one you don’t see?

Windows lists many more shortcuts on this page.

Stay tuned for more fun and helpful info from the PremierePC team.

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