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Recent media coverage has highlighted that Kaspersky AV may have been used as a tool to spy or collect data on target systems.


For years Kaspersky has been a top 5 AV solution as rated by independent third parties. For this reason, earlier this year we entered into an agreement to use their software to help secure our clients endpoints.

Five weeks ago we made a business decision to discontinue that relationship and instead partnered with U.S. based Webroot. We made this decision for several reasons.

1. The Kaspersky AV while excellent was causing system slow-downs for many users
2. The Kaspery AV was not operating in harmony with Malwarebytes
3. The mere hint of an AV solution being used to spy removes trust

Note: If you still see Kaspersky on your system please contact our help desk to have it removed. You may also run a full removal yourself at anytime.

Link to removal tool:

As always, we thank you for your trust and support and look forward to servicing you in the years to come.

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