Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA for short) is one of the single best ways to help keep you and your associated accounts safe, yet it is often the one of the most hated methods.

What is MFA? 
Simply stated, MFA uses a second (or third) device to allow you to authenticate your account. This is most common with Email and Banking applications. When you go sign-in, your MFA device is sent an activation code. This process attempts to ensure that you are the one who is requesting a login.  The logic goes that it is more difficult for a hacker to compromise both your password and your MFA devices.

MFA is one of the most effective tactics used to combat phishing scams.  Let’s say that a user at your firm is targeted and they disclose their password during a scam. While that is a problem, the bad guys would still need the MFA device in order to actually login. During this time, the user can report the disclosure to IT and we can make changes before anything happens.

Why don’t more people use it?
The simple reason is its perceived as a hassle. Having to have your phone nearby to login to email may add an additional few moments to the sign-in process, but in the end it can make your life much more secure.

Complexity weighs in too.  Not knowing how to properly setup MFA and integrate with your applications is a huge obstacle.

Another reason seems to be about awareness. This email is designed to help with that.

What are the costs?
Depends on your environment.  Microsoft and Google both offer free MFA as part of their core email offering. Several 3rd party solutions like Duo exist as well.

Can you help?
If you are a managed IT client then yes we can! We are actively advising all our managed clients of the importance of MFA and reviewing the methods we can use.

Our goal is to integrate your on-premise environment and your cloud infrastructure.

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