Learn Skills for Free. Thanks Library.

Did you know that with a Greenville County Library card you can gain access to hours of professional training material?

Getting started is super easy. 

1. If you do not already have a library card, go get one already.

2. Ensure you know your library card number and PIN

3. Go to this link:

Our library system offers some great resources to help you learn computers and other skills. Here are some highlights:

Computer Workshops
Computer workshops are free, open to the public and do not require a Library card. Designed to enhance your personal or job-related skills, there are computer workshops for every learning level.

Lynda.com Highly Recommended
GCLS card holders now have access to thousands of free online training videos and courses. Want to learn to code? Need help with Photoshop, Excel, financial literacy, writing or overcoming procrastination? There is a topic for everyone! Courses can be taken on any desktop, laptop or tablet. You create your own account, track your progress and even earn certificates to show others you are keeping your skills razor-sharp.

Support your local library and learn something in the process, win-win!

Happy learning!

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